PORT elevator

In a class of its own for performance and aesthetics

PORT Technology provides passengers with the lowest possible times to their destinations with the best possible comfort.

A system this sophisticated needs an exceptional set of fixtures to facilitate the multitude of features that are built in. These fixtures are the Personal Occupant Requirements Terminals that give PORT Technology its name. Our all-new set of PORT terminals feature a range of specifications enclosing standardized internal hardware. Whatever the architectural aspiration or functional requirement at a particular touch point, there is a PORT terminal to satisfy it.

Features & Functions

PORT Technology provides more functionality than any elevator system in history, It is feature rich and these are constantly evolving. As well as providing the most efficient use of an elevator group, the passengers it serves will really enjoy the seamless way they are whisked to their destination with a minimal number of intermediate stops. In addition, the security features implicit in the design ensure their peace of mind throughout the journey.
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